January 21, 2010

Tell Me Something I Don't Know...

Okay billionaire world famous golfer cheats on his wife, a lot, and he checks himself into a sex addict rehabilitation center. Meanwhile Warren Beatty is said to have slept with over 10,000 different women without any whispers of being addicted to or having any problems with sex. I get what Tiger Woods is doing, in order to save his marriage, public image, and hundreds of millions of dollars he is admitting to a problem and taking steps to rectify the problem. Whether it's real or not.
Can you really be addicted to sex? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no. Tiger Woods has a lot in common with Warren Beatty, most notably they're rich and famous with nothing but air and opportunity between them and their next belt notch. Tiger Woods though just so happened to be married, so of course there was a "problem".

Fact of if all is Tiger is no addict, I didn't see any 400 lb. mistresses or hear of any guys saying Tiger entered their back door, that's what I think of when I think of someone who is addicted to sex. He just took advantage of his celebrity and quite simply was not ready to be in a committed monogamous relationship. The fact that a sex addiction clinic exists really bothers me, all it does is take the personal responsibility from the person and puts the blame on some bogus condition. You're no addict. You, just like 99% of men on Earth, just so happen love getting a good 'GUH' in.

Let's Get It Started

Alright let's dust the ol' blog off and get it started for the year 2010. Normally today would be a tutorial, but rather than go that route I'm going to vent about several topics
that have piqued my interest.

Mark McGwire- This really isn't much of a story, his admission to using steroids is as shocking as Bill Clinton's admission of adultery. Everybody already knew. He had already been labeled a cheater, and he has been paying the price for his past decisions receiving only about 20% of the Hall of Fame votes (after being honored as one of the greatest living players in a ceremony during the All-Star game in Boston). Give the man a break though, he made a business decision, and in reality was still better than 90% of the population at the game of baseball.

Keith Brooking- How about you stop crying and get your defense to stop Bret Farve? You're a professional, paid top dollar to do a job, so DO IT! Thank you Minnesota for playing the entire 60 minutes as the many cliches tell us to do, and not quitting when you thought the game was decided.

Spider Man- When the news that the Spider Man franchise was going to go in a new direction and not bring Tobey Maguire back to reprise his role as the coolest superhero alive. I loved each Spider Man and will see any new edition to the series, but expectations will be low because of the already decided direction Sony said they want to go. Spider Man in high-school? Does that mean Michael Cena or Zac Efron will be cast as our new web-slinger? C'mon Sony it wasn't broken, so why fix it?