If you have ever gone out and people watched then you have without a doubt asked yourself, "What is that person wearing?" Most of the time it is due to the fact that the person is dressed in something they thought looked good, but obviously didn't. For example you get the obese woman wearing booty shorts and a halter top. But there are also times when you are at a particular event or place and someone sets themselves apart due to their choice to wear clothes that are completely inappropriate. Now by no stretch of the imagination am I a debonair man with his finger on the pulse of fashion, but I can speak to place and occasion appropriate attire.

While playing BASKETBALL please be sure to leave your jeans at home. Anything with denim in it; shorts, pants, jackets, for that matter do not belong anywhere near a basketball court. The wearing of denim on the court effects those who you are playing with, it brings the entire energy level down of everyone else on the court. Is it really that hard to just be sure you have shorts if you think there is a remote chance that you will be hooping? And if you did not have the foresight to bring a pair of shorts with you then stay off the court and watch from the side lines. Also a gross error in judgement, but more excusable, is the wearing of running shoes while hooping. Please wear appropriate shoes, you wouldn't wear bowling shoes while playing baseball, so don't go hoop in Asics.
When you go to the BEACH make sure you are ready to get sandy, wet or both. Translation, do

not wear what you plan on going out in later. Once again leave the denim in your closet. Khakis may breath more but also should not be worn at the beach, especially if the khakis are accompanied by a button up shirt. You're not being featured on the cover of a Danielle Steele novel so look like you're trying to have fun in the sun. Also be sure to leave your jewelry in the box at home. Unless you shop at the Flea Market for your jewelry then I assume you would be disappointed if you lost it in the sand or water. So simply take it off, you're not making any fashion statements by keeping it on.

Finally, but certainly not the real end to this list, is to those attending their PROM. This is a black tie event, not a dressed up dance. Ladies, for the most part, are wearing flowing, elegant, beautiful dresses yet guys do not follow suit with a proper tuxedo and outfit. Wearing solid colored Air Force Ones would never even be endorsed by Nelly, so what's going through your mind when you wear them? Also please do not run to your nearest Lids store to find a cap that will match your cumber bun or dates dress. A fitted hat should never be worn to a PROM! There is no need to remind people of how 'hood' you are when attending your prom, just let that street crap take a break.
The list was kept to three places or occasions here but I know BUSE-Nation can mull up a few other ridiculous outfits given the scenario.
socks and sandals.
shorts and a t-shirt when its colder than 65 out.
pajamas mid day anywhere outside ur house. although you may have just gotten up, the rest of the world has been at it for hours. i dont want to see ur flying pig sweatpants, and ur torn up simpsons t-shirt while u walk down the block to get a coffee or something.
also, people who knowingly come over dressed to an occasion. ie. doolin wearing a suit everywhere he goes. you are not barney from how i met ur mother. go home and put on some regular ass clothes
where did u find that picture. i laughed about loud when i say it. what parent in their right mind would allow there daughter to date a man like that, let alone go out for her prom like that. im sure she immediately regretted that decision.
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