Even after fully acknowledging the wrongs of the past (slavery, segregation, discrimination and so forth) I can not scoff at or ignore reverse racism anymore. Why should the sins of the father be inherited by or put onto those of a new generation? Even those wrongs committed as little as 60 years ago can not be put on all white people anymore. Therefore the defense of reverse racism, saying they deserve it, is foundation less and hypocritical.
There is no foundation because you did learn two wrongs don't make a right, didn't you? You also ought to remember the message from one of the civil rights movement's most influential/important leaders, Martin Luther King Jr., to combat hate with love. And therein lies the hypocrisy. How are minorities going to demand equality and inclusion from whites while at the same time reveling in the fact that and even demanding whites stay out of their communities? After all in Dr. King's 'I Have A Dream' speech, he did say he say he dreamt of white and black girls holding hands and playing together, not just on the same block as one another. Racism has a two way flow, and the only to ebb both flows is to eradicate society of all its forms.
1 comment:
Though this blog is extremely poingnant, I must respectfully disagree because I have two problems here.
First, as you mentioned, reverse racism is a meaningless term in my eyes...it alludes to the hypocrisy of minorities discriminating against whites,"or the pot calling the kettle black" in terms of race. But the problem is, race is social construct shaped by history. The history in this country is chattel slavery,..OVERT racism, and now institutionalized racism. All of which distributed BY WHITES unto minorities. So it would ridiculous...EVEN TODAY, to note "reverse racism" as a problem that needs to stop.
man...just peep the next blog posted
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