Rob Zombie has brought Michael Myers back for the second time and what ninth time total? Now with Myers' reincarnation it got me thinking of other things that may, should and should not have comeback.

Walkmen: Maybe coming back? It's 2009 and my grandma is on facebook. I would like to think almost everyone would have some sort of MP3 player, be it an ipod, zune or whatever else may be on the market. Technological advances make life easier and the ipod does just that. Unlike Walkmen they are pocket sized, they carry your entire music library, rather than whatever may be on a single CD, and their adaptability is great. That being said, why have I seen numerous Walkmen since yesterday? Why are these devices still owned? Pawn them as antiques already.

Reaper: Should come back. Rather than give viewers more vampires or bring back another show that has run its course, why not bring back this original comedy? Sure the effects can be cheesy and some sub-plots were left open ended but the show had numerous great characters. Sock, one of Sam's best friends and sidekicks, was hilarious. His love of living life in the now make you wish he was your friend. Along with Sock there is the Devil himself. How can you hate someone so fun? Here is to hoping local syndicates pick it up for a third season, stupid CW.

Brett Favre: Should not, but are you really surprised he did? There is still some time to reconsider though! Now I'm not hating on the waffling, because if I were him I would've had my Iverson moment eons ago over practice. Plus $25,000,000 will take me just about anywhere . But I still wish he would not have comeback because everything he does and will do will be a story, from throwing an interception to farting in the shower. It's just Favre overload.
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