-Adam Lambert in an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone.

No Kidding. Of course you’re gay Adam. So why is this news. Has Rolling Stone really succumb to the non-newsworthy sensationalism that is a staple of wak publications like US Weekly, People, and Cosmo?…… it shouldn’t matter at all that Adam Lambert is gay, because it shouldn’t matter that anyone is gay; it’s really not that uncommon. The article in the Rolling Stone is certainly trying to capitalize on Lamberts popularity despite losing American Idol, by hyping up the most noticeable difference between he and the shows other competitors,. his sexuality. But if it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it’s usually a duck. That said, NOBODY should care that Lambert is a duck….and here’s why.
Since homosexuals aren’t really registering at city halls across America, there are no true numbers that can estimate what percentage of our nation is gay. But based on regional censuses taken since 2000, the total number of gays in the US could be as high as 11% or as low as 3%.....Black people are 12% of the US population and Asians are 3.6%........thus being gay is about as common as being black or being Asian….or somewhere in between. Do you get excited when you see a black person in this country? Do you stop and read an article bcause the celebrity on the cover is Asian? I doubt it. It’s simply apart of American culture, as is homosexuality. This isn’t the 80s or early 90s where coming out should be such a big deal to anyone besides the individuals in the person’s life. Lamberts family and friends are the only ones who should yearn to learn more about his sexuality and truly understand him….for the rest of us, he’s just a dude who sings well and dresses his ass off..(and likes snakes)….Lambert is a singer, and assigning significance to Lambert’s sexuality when it has nothing to do with whether or not he can sing is the height of homophobia.

Though today is Tuesday, I could not provide a tutorial for I had to put in my 2 cents on this topic. If Rolling Stone and People can get away with this…..I want the next edition of Vibe magazine to feature DMX on the cover…and it should read,…”I’m black…as hell.” It will be as racist as the Stone is homophobic,…but it will be at least 8 times funnier.
Best blog thus far. Crown it.
i love this post. "I'm black...as hell."
too funny.
I agree that it should not matter what genitals this man enjoys, but I also have to admit it does. Whenever individuals in the public eye reveal anything private or personal about themselves it matters. Not matters like they deserve a Nobel Prize but matters because they are their own industry. Charles Barkley feared backlash from fans when he claimed he was republican. Pamela Anderson risked being mocked when she came out a PETA supporter. And Tom Cruise and John Travolta have been the brunt of endless jokes (as seen on South Park) for making their 'religious' beliefs known. But unlike being a republican, animal lover or scientologist being a homosexual carries much more of a negative stigma. Members of our nation's fighting forces can not even hint they are gay or else they will lose their jobs. With that being so, whenever the homosexual community can get someone famous to admit so, it does so much to tear down the misconceptions that people judge this group by.
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