Monday Mullings:
I am not Impressed
I am not Impressed
I have already broadcasted to Buse nation my strong affinity toward Kobe Bryant and my relative aversion toward Lebron James. So it is probably no surprise to anyone that on a Monday following a weekend in which Kobe advances to the finals and Lebron is “gone fishin”, that I am mulling on the state the game in regards to the two best players.
As much as I would have loved to see the matchup between Kobe and Lebron for the ultimate basketball crown, I am happy with the way things ended this weekend, as we saw the side of Lebron James that I always knew was there, but couldn’t say anything about. I have never liked James’ personality from day one. And even though he is marketable, has a great smile, is personable, and a great image for the NBA and ambassador for the US sports….I hate his hoopin personality. After losing game 6 to the Magic, not only did James leave the court without shaking his opponents’ hands, he refused to answer questions from the media following the loss, and forced his teammates, (role players) to bear the brunt of not meeting their championship expectations. His excuse the next day was that he “hates losing” so why would he congratulate the team, or address the media after losing in the playoffs.
So now, I finally feel vindicated for having openly disliked Lebron all along, because I knew this was his true personality and it has finally come forth. Lebron, everyone hates losing. Hating to lose is an excuse a 6th grader gives when he refuses to shake hands after a basketball game, not “the chosen one.” I’m not clamoring for good sportsmanship because these are grown ass men, their feelings won’t be hurt by a missed handshake. But if you want to clap chalk on everyone, dance on the sidelines during garbage time of a game in which your team is blowing the opponent out, and pose for the crowd every time you make a lay-up….i think you should be able to say good game Dwight after he scores 40 points on you to knock you out the playoffs. If you’re going to seek out the media like a PR guru answering 30 questions after you go for a triple double….you should talk to the media when they ask you...why, a member of the first team all defense is guarding Rafer Alston, instead of Hedo or Rashard Lewis.
I’m ecstatic to see that Kobe will have a chance to win another ring, Shaq-less this time in order to silence the haters. And I’m happy that all those “witnesses” actually witnessed the side of Lebron that I had a hunch was there all along. In the end I don’t care how many triple doubles you have, you ARE NOT the leader of your team when you bounce and leave Anderson Varejao to tell the Cleveland media…i.e. your fans why your team just got worked.
1 comment:
I think we should also point out that Lebron James tried to justify his actions with the analogy of being knocked out in a fist fight. Lebron claimed it wasn't poor sportsmanship that he didn't shake anyone's hand, just like it wouldn't be poor sportsmanship if you didn't shake someone's hand who just "beat you up". That's funny, I always thought in boxing the two fighters actually did beat the shit out of each other, only to then embrace at the conclusion of the fight.
Way to go King...
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