While 'reporting' your account of the fight via a videoblog, Perez said, "I like reporting on other people's drama. I don't like drama in my life." Seriously?! There are consequences to people's actions in real life Perez. You can not continually throw or dig up dirt on people and not expect a backlash. What you do pisses people off, especially since it is not merely reporting but also chalk full of opinion. Then to top it off, Perez admitted to calling will.i.am, a straight man, a faggot. Again, seriously?! This is the same judge, who during the Miss America Pageant, blasted Miss California for opposing the legalization of gay marriage. Anyone else seeing the hypocrisy? Perez, an open homosexual, ought to know better and he has no plausible explanation for using the term.
Before this incident I had no opinion of Perez, I had never read his blog or payed attention to anything he did. However, following this incident I can not help but form an opinion on the man, and I have to say he is an ass. I can not respect someone who slings mud while wearing white expecting not to get dirty. The only shameful thing from this incident, is that the manager of the Black Eyed Peas did not knock him out.
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