Everyone who attends a Major League game hopes to leave the stadium with something they did not bring. Whether it be a win, a buzz or something more concrete, such as an autograph, depending on the person. However there is one thing, that given a chance, every fan goes crazy for, a game ball. Fans near either dugout stand and scream for one every half inning. Fans down the baseline risk ejection leaning over the rail as a ball rolls their way (often not caring if it is fair or foul). And when a ball is hit into the stands either a giant game of 500 or a mad dash ensues.
Yesterday, Buse was fortunate enough to take in a game between the White Sox and

Twins. In the bottom of the second inning Jim Thome stepped up to the plate and hit a foul ball towards our general direction. This prompted Grey to ask if we had a chance of getting a foul ball, which he then answered with a probably not, seeing as our seats were in row 33 of section 134 underneath the LG Skyline seats. Meaning someone would have to drop their souvenir for us to have a chance. Two pitches later Thome hit the ball directly over us, once I saw the ball disappear I began looking down again. Seconds later the ball came down two rows in front of me, bounced back into my chest. After a minor squabble with Grey the ball was mine! My first ever game ball! But before I had finished reveling in my minor accomplishment, I was asked to give the ball up. A dad, a row ahead, asked, "How about giving the ball to my daughter? It's her first Sox game."

Therein lies the problem. Being publicly called out by some dude I've never met to give
my souvenir to some little girl I'll never see again. Being asked angered me because once I declined I looked like a jerk, but I could live with that. Because, guess what, I'M A FAN TOO!!! Just like you,
DAD, I walked in hoping for a ball. Just because you're a little kid it doesn't mean you are more deserving or entitled to a ball. I'm now reminded of an episode from Rocko's Modern Life. Rocko gets his first ball at a game only to be pressured into giving the ball to the puppy dog eyed little boy near him. The decision to or not to eats at Rocko all episode until he finally gives in and gives the little boy
his ball. Rocko justifies his decision by acknowledging how noble a move it was thinking the boy will cherish it forever. However the episode ends with the boy taking the leather off and unraveling the ball to get to the center. Moral of the story: keep your trophy ball because not only did you earn it but what are the chances of you getting another ball? Little kids have a lifetime left to earn their, let them wait.
you will forget about that ball in a week. that little girl would have remembered her first sox game, and her first ball for a very long time. com' on now... ur a grown ass man. show some love.
I am a big fan of giving balls away to kids.....but not if the parents ask....If the kid is staring at me with puppy eyes and its obvious that he/she will enjoy that ball much more than I will....fine, I'll give it up.....But if the Dad asks,...that means he wants it....Any parent who would ever put another adult on the spot and charge them with the responsibility making their child happy.....jackass....As and eyewitness, the only person more deserving of that foul ball is Gray.
This ball can be something I use to pass the game of baseball onto my kids with, what is this little girl going to do with it? Lose it before she reaches age 8? Come on now, I do not advocate giving things to people who do not deserve it or who can not appreciate the gift. Does she even know the ball was hit by a future Hall of Famer? She know anything about the Hall? And she is even less deserving because dad had to ask the way he did. Offer me a lemon chill without your daughter knowing and you have a ball, but don't call me out.
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