Like sports? Me too, but I always find myself wondering which ones are the hardest to play. Fortunately for you, I happen to know which sports in this crazy world are the most impressive….to EVERYONE. And I will give you the reasons why. So if you’re looking to be impressed and entertained, I’ll tell you which athletes you should be in awe of, and for what reasons.

Tennis-Hardest sport to defend at the highest level.
For a singles match, it’s one man or woman protecting one side of the court that is 39 ft long and 27 ft wide. In essence, oneperson protecting 1,053 square feet from a tiny yellow ball that is only allowed to bounce ONCE. Thus, you have to be everywhere at ONCE. Couple that with the fact that you have gunners like Roddick serving the ball at 140 mph and Nadal returning shots near 80 mph and it puts Tennis players heads and shoulders above other athletes in terms of keeping the other side from scoring. No other athletes in no other sports have to cover this much ground, this quickly in the name of defense…and by the way, these matches go on for hours.

Baseball-Hardest sport to play offense at the highest level
Using a round bat to hit a round ball that is barreling toward you at speeds up to 100 mph literally sounds impossible. In fact, had you never heard of baseball and never seen it done before, you probably would think that was impossible. Thus, hitting a baseball is the hardest single thing to do in professional sports. And it just happens to be the essence of this highly skilled game. There need be no argument here, because the greatest offensive baseball players in the history of the game,… only hit successfully about 3 out of every 10 tries.

Football-the most physically demanding sport at the highest level.
Playing in the NFL takes years off your life. That is a fact, and it’s evident in every bone-jarring collision that is as routine in football as a fly-ball, or a jump-shot are in other sports. The game is a constant barrage of violent hits, played by real life giants. The evidence…The average size of an American adult male is 5”9” 180 pounds….the average size of a NFL player is 6”1” 245 pounds….and not only are they enormous, but they move faster than we can ever imagine. Soccer has football beat on endurance running close to 8 miles a match, but their body does not take the same punishment. Boxing definitely takes a toll on your body, but boxers do not strap on the gloves for a fight once a week for 16 weeks straight.

If you like overall athletic prowess and skill…be impressed by NHL Hockey players
Hockey—the hardest sport to compete in at the highest level
This game is played on Ice people, ICE! A near frictionless surface, no other team sport can boast such a distinction. To be a professional hockey player you MUST,..(even if you’re a benchwarmer) be a world class skater. As if that weren’t enough, hockey players don’t touch the object of the game with their hands, but instead use a long wooden stick, extended away from their bodies, in order to control a slick puck that is also on Ice people, ICE! Hockey has every sport in the world beat in terms of difficulty because at the end of the day in all the others,…you still standing with your feet on the Ground.
Questions? Comments? Good. Glad to clear that up for you.
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