Throrough Thursdays:
Inside the mind of James Harrison
Those of the BUSE nation that know me personally know that I have a couple theories about people and their behavior. One of which is that stupid people are often thoroughly convinced in their own stupidity. James Harrison is officially one of those people. Harrison, is the Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker who made almost all of the big plays for the modern Steel Curtain in their Super Bowl win against the Cardinals this February. Because he came to the Steelers as an undrafted free agent, he has always carried himself with a chip on his shoulder and has now earned the respect as one of the games top linebackers. He got a new contract, lots of money, and apparently, a profound perspective on the duties of a champion. This week Harrison spoke out about his decision to resend an invitation to the White House from President Obama. Harrison, who also skipped the team visit after winning the Super Bowl in 06, will be the only Steeler who not in attendance. When asked why, he offered an example of his blindingly faulty reasoning,
“If you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don’t win the Super Bowl. As far as I’m concerned, he would have invited Arizona, if they would have won. I don’t feel the need to actually go. I don’t feel like it’s a big deal to me.”
Right off the bat. Harrison is an idiot. It doesn’t even make sense, so don’t argue that he’s entitled to his opinion, because stupid opinions are particularly maddening. Harrison is grinding my gears right now because there are 3 reasons why he should have never came to this decision.
He is an adult—so he shouldn’t have the reasoning skills of a small boy. Why is he taking offense to the fact that the White House invitation is only being afforded to him because he won the Super Bowl? Of course it is. The same way every team doesn’t get a trophy, a ring, a parade….the winners get certain shit James. You have been playing sports all your life why are you confused.
He is a pro football player—your status alone should make you want to accept an invitation to meet the man who runs the country in which you make a living. I realize Harrison is a millionaire star athlete now, but recognize the significance of the moment as well as your rightful place in that moment. Nobody is tripping because you aren’t going; he’s the damn president. Humble yourself and accept the invitation, show up, take a picture and shake the man’s hand. Honestly, do you think Obama is really geeked up to meet James Harrison, no. He has important things to do, like fix the world. Obama is offering YOU a privilege, not the other way around.

He is a black man—leave it to Harrison to not understand the social significance of meeting the first black president. Regardless of if he voted for Obama, you live in a country where people died for your right to vote, and died for Obama’s right to hold office. I’m not saying that he needs to be a champion for his race or a social pioneer, but understand that as a black man, you look silly in your overt ambivalence towards an opportunity to meet Obama. It is a big deal James; it’s much bigger than you. (Or your enormous head) (Easily on steroids btw.. but the whole NFL is so whatever)
Harrison is a grown man, so I’m not mad at him for choosing not to do something he doesn’t want to do. But I’m furious at how he arrived at that conclusion. He used disgustingly poor logic and despite getting blasted for it, he hasn’t even attempted to clean up his reasoning and make it more respectable. I hope he never gets invited to anything, Literally, again….White House visits, birthday parties, weddings, wine tastings......in fact if I’m on the Steelers, I’m turning down the next invitation he gives me.
1 comment:
when i heard this story yesterday on sports talk radio, i almost threw my radio at the wall. my face had the reaction of stan van gundy has after one of his players makes a stupid mistake. there is no logic or reasoning behind his decision. that is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard. the nfl should fine him for even thinking such a dumb thought. he is doing nothing to improve the image that footballers are actually smart. cause this young man, is one of the dumbest people i have ever heard.
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