You don't have to be a member of the screen actors or writers guild to be an avid movie fan. Nor is it expected of you to attend ComicCon yearly to be considered a fan of comic books. So when both worlds collide it is easy to understand why the public gets so excited. An epic tale like that of Batman's has survived for decades and through countless interpretations. Making it no wonder these fantastic stories draw wonder, awe and excitement once combined with Hollywood. However the special effects and star power of Hollywood coupled with a timeless story and characters is not always a recipe for success.

Success by Hollywood's standards is measured in dollars and cents but as a fan I am more concerned with the actual product. Meeting and exceeding the expectations of comic book movie adaptations are hard without a doubt. With movies such as the Hulk (2003) receiving much hype and appearing to be promising with lots of action only to lack a compelling story. Movies like the Hulk fail because they take entirely too many liberties and lack a strong well developed villain. Liberties must be taken to make the movie
yours but Hollywood must know when to say when. The X-Men trilogy may have grossed extremely well but the story suffered with each movie. Key and loved characters were missing or dramatically altered (Gambit was not in any of the 3 movies and Rogue was hardly a shell of the character made famous in the cartoons).

Although we know who the heroes are and have heard the stories, it is still important that the heroes be properly developed once on the big screen. Do you think it is a coincidence the best superhero movies have been sequels (Spider-Man 2 and Batman Dark Knight)? No, both movies had a prequel that identified and developed the major players and a story. Both movies also took the time to let the audience get to know both the heroes and villains while forming a solid foundation for future films.
With many more comic book movies lined up for future production and release, one can only hope that the characters and stories are not only kept intact but also given time to grow. Although all movies ought to stand on their own merit, poorly done sequels and trilogies do still tarnish previously successful films. So once Spider-Man 4 and 5 are released or Iron Man 2 we all can only hope the directors, producers and writers are not over zealous and deliver another sound product.
i believe this is the first topic we have ever agreed upon.
Its gray, bear with me
It may be,...I'd like to add that I am sick of the comic book genre of movies. It bothers me because it turns the concept of an action movie into an epic....so now every one of these movies requires 1 or two sequels.
Also, i beleive comic book movies take a tremendous amount of intrigue away from the one of the most important things of a movie....ACTING....Many comic book movies are considered great despite bad acting simply because we are caught up in characters that we are already familiar with...with the exception of Downey in ironman, Bale in Batman, and MacGuire in SpiderMan...acting in comic book movies suck.....
Case in point Transformers....without question, horrible diaologue, acting, and also a terrible script. It was clear that the director could give a shit about the scenes in which people were talking, it was all about the action scenes and explosions and a shy little Shia LeBuff emerging victorious through it all.
Megan Fox is atrocious. I realize she has sexy eyes, but she is skinny as hell and is not that hot. Having addressed her looks, her acting was horrible also. The reason spiderman was good was because kirsten dunst can act, she was a good damsel in distress who played that role of being torn between a super hero and her bf.
Megan Fox broke up with her bf and attempted to walk 10 miles to get home because he wouldnt let her drive his car and she took exception to his calling her a pet name (BAD SCRIPT)
She conveyed no sign that there had been tension between her and her bf, and when she got the ride home from lebuff, she did the worst job of setting up lebuff for his lil flexing exhibition...."i just love his hot muscles" she delivered that line like she was in 7th grade, not high school....
Transformers also had a black robot for some reason who spoke slang and cussed when the rest of the robots spoke perfect gramatical english and were respectful of their surroundings....
people need to realize that THESE things make Transformers a shitty movie...despite all the cool transformers morphing and blowing shit up.
credit card. left cheek. left CHEEK! LEFT CHEEK!!!
Beans' retort.
While your hatred of Transformers is noted, it was not mentioned in this blog because it was a cartoon adaptation. Not from the pages of Marvel or DC.
That being said I do agree with you. Acting often suffers in these movies, which is why the Batmans, Spider-Mans and Iron Mans are so acclaimed. However due to the great action scenes great acting is not necessary. No one is saying Transformers was excellent or worth their money because Megan Fox put in an Oscar worthy performance.
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