May 8, 2009

Racial Profiling at its most Hilarious

Funny Photo Fridays: Somebody has it out for this TV news anchor.

This photo is the funniest version of racial profiling I have ever seen. Sure, it may be a coincidence that the man suspected of rape is apparently the twin brother of the anchor. (I mean the police sketch and the man to the right are staright up identical. In fact, I would arrest him during the next commercial break.) But if you are the director of this newscast, why would you have that anchor, read the story associated with a graphic of a police sketch that implicates him as a rapist. Let the other anchor read this story, that way you can give my boy here a head start to run from the cops.

Black people have a lot of hang ups about white people thinking that "all black people look alike", particulary when it comes to police sketches and suspect descriptions. So I hope the police in this case handled the situation delicately. Because without question, that is the most generic looking black man I have ever seen, as well as the most generic looking sketch of what a black man lis supposed to look like. For perspective on how funny this is, you can't do better than Dave Chappelle."

"That's why I think Asian people should just chill out. It ain't so bad with the whole look alike thing. For instance, a lot of people think all black people look alike. And we don't get mad or all bent out of shape about it, we usually just call these people 'Police'. "

Back Monday with more realness.

1 comment:

Beto said...

u girls are hilarious!