April 30, 2009

Hell No They Won't Blow

Ask a married man in his home who the boss is and way more often than not he is going to refer to his wife. Despite society being dominated by men when in close quarters with women it goes without saying who holds the trump card. And now the women of Kenya have taken this 'rule' and run with it. As the leaders in Kenya are threatening the peace with their constant bickering, the women have vowed to go on a sex strike in an attempt to end the quarreling and maintain peace within the country.

The women of Kenya have come out and said that the withholding of sex is their best course of action. In a household, this approach usually works without problem. When the woman is not happy with something the man has done, said or thought she puts her chastity belt on and makes her partner sweat it out. Once the man has had enough he gives in, apologizes and is then rewarded. But this is not a house, it is a country. The principles may be the same but the stage is not and the players are plentiful.
In all likelihood the sex strike will fail, either the women in Kenya will not stick to their guns, the men will become hostile and force themselves on these women or they'll pay less virtuous women for their services. But I do support their cause and hope the sex strike does work out. These women have decided to hit the politicians where it hurts most, almost literally in the balls and by not playing ball, so to speak, they have opened the door to get their message across like no rally or public boycott can.

April 29, 2009

Buse-News Hiatus

The Buse-News Blog is currently on hiatus while one of its writers struggles to combat with Swine Flu. Buse-News and its followers wish him a speedy recovery.
Godspeed Beans.

Oh what a night

It was a Saturday and I was at St. Ignatius. It could not have been for a Saturday JUG with Sebastian and Simon seeing as I had graduated a mere 5 years ago. No, this time I had volunteered to come in, even paid to be there. If you don't already know or haven't figured it out yet, I was back in high school for my reunion and I'm more than glad I went. Now at the risk of the blog becoming monotonous I will not go into great detail about the rawness that is a high school reunion (Kid Grey did a nice job). But to those who have declined attending their reunions or look down upon the function, give it a chance. Although it has a lot in common with those parent less ragers from once upon a time, it is so much better. For example at those parent less ragers there is an absence of certain most improved players (girls/guys who got hot(ter) since the last time seen). Now that is one advantage on the surface but as a class we were also much more comfortable with each other and welcoming no matter annoying one may have been back in the day. When the letter comes in the mail for you, get to the reunion. It'll be a blast just so long as you avoid the teachers and don't grow roots near the bar.

April 27, 2009

Welcome Back


Monday Mullings: High School reunions are raw.Don't you agree?

Reunions are often precarious settings and I must admit I was a tad apprehensive about attending my 5 year high school reunion over the weekend. While I was well liked during high school, I always thought reunions are about what you are doing “Now”, and quite frankly, despite a couple accomplishments since graduating in 04’, I do not feel like I’ve accomplished much to write home about. Couple that with my expectations that my most of my former classmates would be in med school or law school….and couple that with fact that I probably told everyone in high school that by 2009, I’d be a millionaire or in the NBA… (why would I be in the NBA)….and yea,…basically it felt a tad wak to realize that when asked what I was up to these days, I was going to reply, “I blog.”

But I couldn’t have been more wrong. It was not a status check on where people were with their careers or a competition about who has become the most baller since high school. But instead, it was a party, a straight up high school party and it was fun as hell. The different little clicks in our class all came together for a chance to booze like it was that one kid’s house whose parents always leave for the weekend. People who I had not seen or spoken to since graduation were mixing it up like we all had been in school for 5 days straight ready to let loose on the weekend. It was a ball, and Im mulling on it today because I feel that high school reunions get a bad rep for some reason.

In mainstream society so many people view high school reunions as elitist, or snobbish occasions in which narcissistic people enjoy themselves because they can revel in and re-live their high school popularity. While reunions are a staple of private schools and schools in areas with a small population, plenty of high schools do not even host reunions, so those who attended such schools may have negative feeling toward the very idea of a high school reunion in general. But, all in all, the one I just attended was a high school party, which was quite welcome, and broke the monotony of the typical weekends of a young adult. I didn’t wait in line at a lounge or club, I didn’t struggle to get a bartender’s attention while people bump into me while dancing to Sir Mix-a-Lots horrible big “butts song”, and I didn’t exchange hard looks at a Mexican restaurant with other customers disappointed in their night out. But I met up with some friends as if we just got out of class a couple hours ago, changed clothes and started celebrating that school doesn’t start again until Monday. Yes, I went to a private high school. Yes, it has a reputation for being elitist, but the fun I had was real as hell and had nothing to do with being “cool” or recapturing “glory days” or anything lame that’s normally associated with high school reunions. I’m probably not going to kick it with the majority of the people I saw at my reunion anytime in the near future. But in 5 more years, I wouldn’t mind getting an update at another lil high school party once that kid’s parents leave town again.

April 24, 2009

I Admire Your Enthusiasm

Couldn't be happier. Literally.
Funny Photo Friday: Quite Concise.

This dude is HYPED out of his mind. How could anyone in the world be that happy? I have never seen anyone happier at one moment after accomplishing anything. He is not even done with the flip before he being celebrating that he cleared the bar. I hope one day, after accomplishing something of tremendous importance, I can be as overjoyed as the dude in this photo.

Vive Guayama!

April 23, 2009

To The Dogs

After the 2007 death of Leona Helmsley the world was left shocked. Not because she was a Princess Diana but because this real estate baroness left her multi billion dollar estate literally to the dogs. In fact in her will she named her dog, Trouble, as a beneficiary! Well the billions of dollars are not all going to the dogs, instead the dogs (or dog related charities) will receive about $1 million of a $136 million pie. But that's not the story. I understand Ms. Helmsley's case is of the rarest variety, because money is involved, but this devotion to 'man's best friend' runs deeply through the blood of many Americans.

Dogs are great, they provide some of the purest most unadulterated fun and companionship. But people get a grip here, they are still just dogs. This is not necessarily a call out to members of PETA because as I know at any moment anyone can become susceptible to the charm that lay behind those 'puppy dog eyes'. But just like any other brief moment of insanity you need to keep it together.

On a daily basis any dog will receive more affection than John or Jane Doe put together. No one walks up to a stranger asking for a hug or massaging people behind their ears and allowing them to lick to you because they're cute. So why do you behave this way with dogs? If you claim to be the avid animal lover then where is your pocket full of acorns to entice the cute bushy tailed squirrels? The world would be a much better and more enjoyable place if strangers treated each other as well as they treat that leashed dog outside the dry cleaners.

Now there are also tons of peculiar dog owners, learn and stay
within the boundaries here. For starters, dogs do not need babysitters. So stop taking them to PETCO and paying hourly rates to have someone watch them pee, poop and cage them. Either put them in your yard or close doors to rooms you do not want them to stay out of. Secondly, Alpo and Pedigree etc make food geared towards a dog's diet. So there is no reason a dog ought to be in the kitchen while you are eating as if this is a dinner party. Throw them a bone when you're done eating if anything but in another room. Lady and the Tramp were two dogs, no need to share pasta, meat or ice cream together. Third, if you are going to treat your dog like kid, then have a kid. Dogs should not dictate what their master does with their lives. Make sure the dog isn't going to die and keep a sanitary home with the dog but please live your life. Otherwise you are not a dog owner or master, but a life partner. Lastly, dogs do not belong in bed with you. They sleep on pillow or blankets but not with you in bed. If you don't mind not having the space why get the queen, full, or king sized beds? Get a twin and save a buck.

Although there have been malicious words spewed forth towards dogs and their owners, I am not a hater. I did watch and love Marley & Me, I even cried. But people remember what these animals are, they are your pets. So whether you sign your entire estate to them or simply love making out with dogs, keep things in perspective and within the boundaries. Or else any whack job can find a way to justify something as gross as bestiality, it's a slippery slope people.

April 22, 2009

Thirsty Hall of Fame

Whoop That Trick Wednesday:
James Rush, A No Brainer

Today, the BUSE blog is whooping up on the biggest trick of the week, and this time it was a no-brainer. James Rush is getting whooped this week after he ACTUALLY reenacted Kanye’s lyrics this past Thursday, “going through TOO much bull**** just to mess with a drunken hot girl.” The 33 year old Naperville native is now charged with placing a false 911 call in an attempt to position himself alone with a well inebriated female patron of a local bar. Around 2 am, Rush and the woman (who was smashed) were found outside Breaktime Billiards stumbling down the street with their arms around each other. When approached by police for routine drunken questioning, Rush insisted that he and the woman were OK, and that he would be taking the woman home after returning to the bar later. The officers allowed the two to move on, but then spoke to bar employees for further information on the belligerent couple.

An employee told police that the woman had come to the bar with another man who had since left the premises, and the now-drunken woman "had been going from guy to guy in the bar," This raised suspicions so the police followed the direction in which Rush and the woman were walking to find the two drunkards laying beside each other, nearly passed out, in a grassy area near a parking lot. Police officers immediately called a cab for the woman, and instructed Rush to go home. Rush left the scene but wouldn’t you know it, just minutes later an emergency 911 call was heard over the dispatcher reporting 6 gunshots fired in the general area of the bar and the lot where Rush and the drunken hot girl were laying down.

Dispatchers tried seven times to reconnect with the 911 caller on his wireless telephone, the report indicated. Police soon determined the phone belonged to Rush. The officers caught up with Rush, who denied placing the call, even as "the phone in the man's pocket started ringing" with yet another call from the dispatchers, the report stated.

"I again asked him why he called 911, and this time he told me he called in the 911 call to get me out of the area, so he could go back and pick up the girl before the cab came," the officer wrote in the report.

This is the ultimate height of thirsty-ness and Gatorade needs to market for these situations, because in my opinion, behavior like this is all too common. Make no mistake, James Rush was determined to get laid, to the point where this BLACK man in NAPERVILLE, attempted to use cunning and deception to thwart POLICE OFFICERS just to have the chance to take this drunken girl home. From what the report said about the woman coming with one man, and then stumbling from “guy to guy”,I have infered that she was some tramp, scoring lots of free drinks and flirting with everyone willing to listen. And Rush, clearly, loved the attention. In these cases, smitten, infatuated, even obsessed are not accurate terms for describing the way Rush felt about the woman he attempted to lure…..Thirsty is the only precise terminology. Even though he wasn’t thirsty for water, quenching that thirst was a matter of life and death. Sorry to whoop you so bad James, but your game lacks subtlety and your thirsty-ness has led to a misdemeanor.

But I digress; because we have all been there…..I would like to open it up to other stories of legendary thirst. And under the comment section, I’ll start with one of my own; feedback of course is always welcome.

April 21, 2009

Go Away

Knowing that BUSE whoops tricks on Wednesdays I will not be whooping Kevin Garnett today, instead I will use this space as a tutorial to why you need to hate him. Before going into the many reasons KG ought to be disliked by anyone outside of Boston I do have to admit one thing. I was once KGs number one fan. Throughout all his years in Minnesota I watched him, cheered for him and prayed he would get the point guard his team needed to help earn him the championship he had deserved. And I always ranked him among the best players in the league. I was a Kevin Garnett fan. But after only a year in Boston, my feelings towards Garnett have completely soured.
It all started after the Celtics (who I was rooting for) won the championship last year. During a post game interview Garnett could not help himself from screaming at the top of his lungs a variation of the Adidas slogan (who he is endorsed by) "Anything is possible" (here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyjOy7fRzs0). I remember the moment, because I was at a bar while the Celtics were destroying the Lakers and when KG made his famous scream, I looked at all my friends and thought how lame.

After the championship we were bombarded with KG. He was everywhere. In countless Adidas spots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKDhzW9CSDE) to being the pitch man for NBA2K series. Garnett was becoming the NBAs version of a Ja Rule, who for about a year was the hotness in the music world, but after you heard him and JLo tell us their love was for real for about the 8,000th time you knew he needed a vacation. In every spot KG is the same boner we see on the court for 82+ games a year, he does not have the personality to sell products no matter how much he, "loves the Cool Kids".

But if you were not paying attention to television this summer, then how about once the season started this year. His antics if anything were more in the spotlight, from his pregame prayer/sparring with the padding under the basket to his extra devotion to defense even after the whistle blew (If you put a shot up after the whistle Garnett will be sure to block it- because are according to him, "No easy baskets").

Now that Garnett is hurt and the Celtics are playing the Bulls in the playoffs I can not help but wish he was playing. Because the dude is still dominating not only the talk from the booth, but actual air time. Garnett was on TV more than Bulls coach Vinny Del Negro during game 2. Every time he was shown he was either clenching his jaw or screaming obscenities towards the Bulls- for no reason.

As an ex-Garnett fan I am just suffering from severe KG over exposure. All the air time has exposed Garnett for the large lame he is. I guess being in Minnesota you don't get to see what type of guy the player really is because it is a small market. Kevin Garnett it's time for you to fade behind the curtain, your time as a beloved sports figure is over. You are too annoying to root for ever again.

April 20, 2009

I Love my iPod

Man gets his hustle on in the Subway.
Monday Mullings: Loonies and Goonies on public transportation.

I normally travel to work by car. Commuting to the West Loop each day is not fun, but the stop and go car parade that is the Dan Ryan expressway is quite tolerable provided you listen to the right radio station. However, public transportation is a whole different animal, with a whole host of problems. Every now and then, I am forced to hop aboard Chicago’s primary colored “L” trains and ride into and out of the Loop, all the while, squeezing in between, ducking under, and mixing it up with the many lunatics that fill this city. And today, I’m mulling on those very lunatics. 3 categories of lunacy are particularly intriguing, and I will discuss them as I know anyone who has been on public transportation has wondered the same thing about these characters.
Hustle Man
Guy Selling Enormous Bags of Small Candy from car to car

Right off the bat let me say that I’m not hating on anyone getting their hustle on. I actually admire how much these guys know the value of a dollar. But you have to know your market. I think it’s safe to say that a 2 pound plastic bag of those disgusting penny candies is an “impulse buy”…and the price is right,(I have never heard them charge more than a dollar a bag)…but there are no 8 year olds on the train at 9 AM who would even be enticed by that deal, despite the tremendous value….know you’re market,..sell some shitty donuts, fruit, Advil, or 5-hour energy. Adults will actually buy that.

Musical Hustle Man
Guy Singing in the L Station
Once again, get your hustle on, showcase your musical abilities, it’s often refreshing. But I have no idea what these guys are thinking when they decide to start singing. None of these people have good voices, not even average ones, they are ALL (and this is not a generalization) miserable. Plus the acoustics in the subway are horrible w the trains running by every ten minutes, it makes a bad voice sound worse. As if that weren’t enough, their song selection is something to take issue with as well. I heard a guy singing Silent Night this morning like it was the middle of December….if you want to make a little change showcasing musical talent, play an instrument,…even if you don’t know how…I would much rather throw a buck in a hat for a guy who is struggling to play the saxophone than a dude who butchers classic songs by crooning with his lousy voice.
Preacher Man
Guy delivering impromptu sermons on the Red Line (THIS MORNING)
I understand this is a great way to reach your audience, but I am completely in awe of the thought process that motivates any person to start preaching to a car full of disgruntled commuters who normally do anything to keep to themselves during travel. Not only are these sermons incoherent and irrelevant,…often times they aren’t religious in anyway. The guy this morning wasn’t even holding a bible to pass himself off as a credible person…dude was holding a Red Eye...Additionally, every time anyone has preached to me on the “L”, they have been so pessimistic. They are often about repenting before god and the final day of reckoning. And while I do appreciate their concern for my eternal soul, this is why iPods were created; having the ability to drown these loonies out is simply the rawness.
Honorable mention:
Too Hood For His Own GoodGuy on the “L” or bus who listens to hardcore, unedited, gangsta rap from his phone loud enough for everyone in his seating area to hear. I cannot fathom how these people can be that far from socially acceptable.

April 17, 2009

How Unprofessional.

Funny Photo Friday: Barney is Gross

Mascot version of popular kids character, "Barney" engages in lewd, overtly sexual behavior during a fan greeting.

I'll be pithy, because I know you already think it is immature, but honestly, this is hilarious. Everyone's position in this photo is perfect. First of all, Barney's hands are touching nothing but the young child's head, and he's facing downward, and he seems to have a deviant, euphoric expression on his face, as if he's experiencing some type of deviant stimiluation.
Secondly, the child's head is dead center, bullseye, right down the middle of Barney's crotch. It just cannot be explained any other way. Also, her hands are not wrapped around Barney as if she were hugging him, but instead pressed against his thighs as if she were supporting her head, neck, and back by pushing against his lower body. Why would she ever need to do that??

Lastly, the mother, who already has another munchkin to worry about, appears to be appauled by the interaction between Barney and her young daughter. She's either crying, or yelling for them to stop.

This one made me laugh outloud because if the person inside that Barney suit is a woman, they probably were unaware of the poor positioning of that hug, and had no idea what it would look like from a distance. But if the person in that costume is a guy, fire him, and arrest him, he's a pedophile,...and apprently, a dinosaur who likes oral sex.

April 16, 2009

Progressive Thinking


Thorough Thursday: It's Getting Ridiculous

The holy Sacrament of marriage is one promise not meant to be taken lightly. In a very public manner two people are uniting themselves, both physically and spiritually. Making promises to 'love, honor and obey each until death do them part'. The rite is a beautiful one reserved for a man and woman seeking a family together. The church defines marriage as such because it is how God intended, the natural way. Living in a nation founded by Christians, many of our laws are influenced by Christian doctrine and marriage is no exception. But in the year 2009 in a country historically known as a melting pot it is time we step back and reexamine certain laws and their wording.

Defining marriage as a union between a man and woman is based on religious doctrine. But the United States of America is a secular nation and the division of church and state was essential while writing the Constitution. It is time our government, on both the state and federal level, redefine marriage. Several states are thinking progressively on the matter and have already legalized marriage in some form or another between homosexuals. However, why this change is not widespread and what the legislators and people are trying to protect is a mystery.

In America marriage is pretty much a joke. Nearly 50% of all unions end, which are supposed to last a life time, end in divorce. Las Vegas is notorious for the shot gun weddings at 3 am in a random chapel. Marriage simply (generally speaking) is not so special anymore. The contract entered by the two is such a joke that websites like, http://www.ashleymadison.com/ exist. If you have never heard of the site, it was created to assist those seeking extra-marital affairs. People are literally paying their hard earned money to find a sexual partner that they are not married to. But marriage is a sacred rite. Right.

There are also many people who marry because it is financially advantageous. Gold diggers are so feared that those with money create prenuputial agreements saying if we decide 'til death is too long, what's mine now will still be mine then. But marriage needs to be protected. Right.

Members of our armed forces; Army, Navy, or the Air Force, also enter marriages for the financial perks. Such as higher pay, tax deductions, housing and health benefits. The guarantee of more money being sent home is a pretty incentive for these troopers, so they often get married and start families before they are truly ready. But we still need to protect marriage. Right.

For those married couples who feel as though allowing homosexuals to wed would diminish your committment through marriage, that is ridiculous. Marriage was made a joke long before homosexuals sought this right. So go protest outside divorce attorney offices or write your representative to make divorce less of an option, by making it harder to accomplish. Or if you contest there is nothing natural to homosexuals marrying, then please tell what makes marriage natural period. None of our biological cousins mate with a partner for life. Nature simply dictates that a man and woman procreate for the existence of a species. ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTW8oUV8Aq0 )

Whereas marriage is a chose made by two people who are driven by more than nature. You get married because you are in love with who and what that person is and what that person makes you. The union makes not only you a better person but your partner, and therein lays what makes marriage so special. Denying homosexuals to reap all the benefits (financially, legally and socially etc) can not be tolerated anymore. Let them wed!

April 15, 2009


BUSE is all for political activism and fully encourages the people to let their voices be heard. If there is something your government is doing please let it be known that you do not approve. Now there are thousands of Americans across the country who oppose the actions and spending habits of the current administration and as a form of protest are using grass roots tea rallies to get their message out. These activists are calling themselves the teabaggers.

Really? Teabaggers? They REALLY do not know what it means? Come on now people. If you are intelligent enough to gather and protest the government, you ought to be intelligent enough to do your homework when naming yourself. And that is what I am most curious about, the fact that they chose a name for themselves without knowing what it meant. Needless to say these clueless activists have become the butt to many jokes nationwide. Deservedly so.

To quote a few jokes, "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging."- CNNs Anderson Cooper.

"After spending weeks mailing tea bags to members of Congress, conservative activists ... plan to hold tea parties to proverbially, "teabag" the White House."- MSNBCs Rachel Maddow.

**If the term teabaggers is lost on you, use the picture to define the term.

April 14, 2009

5 Steps

Tuesday Tutorials: How to Be a Successful Woman in Today's World
Dateline--I Should Probably be trying to figure out how to be a successful Man

Every now and then I try to speak outside my realm of expertise and experience. Seeing as how I am an expert on nothing and have experienced quite little, this may seem like a common occurrence. Be that as it may, I think it’s important for me to do so because letting people know how YOU see things provides insight and perspective. Thus, being the progressive thinker that I am, I wanted to break down the gender barrier for today and offer you what I think are the most important attributes essential to becoming a successful woman.

Keep in mind successful and attributes are relative terms as this is a list and all lists are debatable. I did some searching in some common media outlets under heading like “most successful women” top ten wealthiest women, top 20 most famous women etc…I used their lists and the people on them to determine the 5 discernable traits that give women the best chance to succeed. Then I combined that with my own opinions and experiences with successful women and have compiled for you, a debatable, but pretty accurate top 5. So here is a world’s tutorial for how to be a successful woman.

Jessica Simpson: Hot, but not good at anything else.

1. Be Hot…of course that’s number one. I don’t want to hear any dissention for the attribute that claims the number one spot. It’s a man’s world, and men love beautiful women. In fact, women love beautiful women. This is one of the few points I will ever make without using a concrete example because the examples are all around us. People are shallow, inherently, some more than others, but its part of our society.
If you have ever have spoken to any man 20-60 years old who has been in charge of some type of hiring process at a job somewhere, you know, probably from him telling you, that looks are a qualification as real as any other on a resume. Case closed. The advantages are undeniable.

Christy Walton: Wal-Mart Fortune...thanks bro. I appreciate it.

2. Marry well(date well also, it's a life long practice)…..yes, I am sure I’ll catch some heat for this one, but a huge measure of success is wealth, and the 10 wealthiest women in the world are all heiresses and widows. There is tremendous value in getting in on the ground floor and women who do it properly never have to work a day in their lives. Now I’m not talking celebrity chasing, getting married then get a divorce and land a big settlement, that’s hardly success, (though it’s a viable option for wealth) I’m talking about Christy Walton who inherited the Wal-Mart fortune from her husband after his death. As soon as you do that, the sky is the limit because wealth doesn’t always get passed down to the sons of the family so its wealth for women for the next couple generations.The richest woman in the world, Lillian Bettencourt, is simply the daughter of the French billionaire who ran L’Oreal before he died. If you are a girl and you meet a guy who has some savvy business idea, it is imperative you hear him out. Because if he ever does make money off it, all he’ll want to do is give it to you when he kicks the bucket. Sustainable wealth is a great barometer of success.

Afghanistan: I'm not being prejudice because that derives from pre-judge.
I'm straight up judging, this country is wak.

3. Don’t be born in the Middle East (particularly Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia)…..sorry to tap into a hot button issue, but just as being hot and marrying the right spouse are huge advantages, being born in a conservative Muslim nation is a HUGE disadvantage. Now Muslim countries aren’t the only nations with backwards rules that apply and policies that are unfair to women, the U.S. has plenty in practice. But as I said, it’s a man’s world; many of those hurdles come with the territory when you’re born a woman. But when you’re born a woman in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, you’re getting the short end of the stick right there. At least if you’re a Shiite. In Afghanistan a law is set to be put in place that is believed to contain articles that rule women cannot leave the house without their husbands' permission, that they can only seek work, education or visit the doctor with their husbands' permission, and that they cannot refuse sex with their husband. In Saudia Arabia, a girl as young as 10 years old can be arranged by her father to be married to a man of any age. It’s a common practice often used to settle a father’s debt. So when rape and child molestation are legalized, it’s got to be hard to get ahead in life.

Oprah Winfrey: Wrote the book on telling other women to go
buy other books

4. Tell other women how to spend their money….Your Oprah Winfreys, your Martha Stewarts this is where some serious bank and serious prominence can be made. Women statistically, spend more money than men, they buy more stuff, and the stuff they buy is more expensive. Thus, instead of being entrepreneurs who made one product and told women to go buy it,….they established themselves as representatives for the every-day woman, and told them how to spend their money across all areas and products. Oprah even told women which president to vote for. Don’t think it didn’t help.
Brains: No caption neceessary

5. Be Smart….some people may think I’m being chauvinistic placing intelligence this low on the list,…but intelligence would have been just as low had this list been about men. Simply being intelligent, in my opinion, does not give a woman any better of an advantage than the other aforementioned talents. There are thousands of examples of unsmart women with no discernable talent, who are successful beyond their wildest dreams. Perfect example…..Octo-Mom….hate on her all you want for trying to be Angelina in every way, but when that reality show gets approved…her bills are going to be paid. If it does well, she will actually be able to care for those 14 kids. And when it gets really popular, john and Kate are going to be mad as hell because their little 8 are going to seem like peanuts and no one will care. But then again, I guess HAVING the 8 kids is what makes Octo Mom so smart in the first place…hmmm.

April 13, 2009

It'd be Nice to Know You Cared

Monday Mullings: A pithy glimpse into the soul of a Sox fan.
Dateline--Cubs Opening Day, 09...what a Sox fan mulls about on a day like this.

I don’t hate the Cubs. I don’t hate the Cubs as a team. I don’t hate the Cubs organization. And I don’t even hate Cubs fans. I hate the Cubs phenomenon. I hate the Cubs as a non tangible entity that is the reason behind the tremendous apathy directed at the team I love and root for, the Sox. For you see, it’s not that I want you to like my team, I just want you to care. When the Sox play a day game and the Cubs play at night, my baseball day has is not concluded until I have rooted for the Sox to win, and checked to see if the Cubs have lost. But when the Cubs play a day game, Cubs fans are finished with baseball for the day as soon as they hear Go Cubs Go, completely neglecting that the team to the South and their fans are pulling for a win just to stay even with the Cubs for a day…..when the Sox lose to the Cubs in interleague play, I feel shaken and demoralized, embarrassed that my team’s rival has defeated me. But when the Cubs lose to the Sox, Cubs fans start focusing on upcoming games against the Cardinals instead of grieving and morning properly like me. My team plays in the same city so it would be nice to actually affect the whole city the way the Cubs affect the whole damn country, but that’s not the way it is. I am always shocked at how little some of the most die-hard Cubs fans know about the Sox, and it speaks to how irrelevant the Sox are to many people in this city, which is dire news considering that the Sox were baseball’s best team just 4 years ago.

Honestly, today, in Chicago, there’s one baseball team, and it’s the Cubs. As much as I want to whine and pine, or rant and rave…..it’s opening day at Wrigley, and even the gloomy weather will not be a hindrance in the revelry, excitement, and passionate affection that coincides with baseball’s annual return to the north side. While little or no buzz was made of Sox opening day, Cubs opening day seems to be attacking me from all sides. With my ears I heard ESPN, a network that is trying to shed its reputation as an east-coast biased sports syndicate, do a remote broadcast of their most popular radio show, Mike and Mike in the AM, from Murphy’s Bleachers, in Wrigleyville. With my eyes I saw, as early as 7 in the morning, droves of Cubs fans on the red line, draped up and dripped out in Cubbie blue, headed north for the festivities. And in my mind I know that around the Midwest, hell the country, every conscious Cubs fan out there has either donned a jersey to show off at class or a t-shirt underneath their suit to wear to work. All these things contribute to a nationwide phenomenon that is beautiful in its own way and is indeed a gift to all baseball fans…..except those of the Sox variety. And that’s why I don’t like it.
Living in a city with 2 baseball teams is great. But when you root for the 2nd team in that city, it’s taxing…as hell. And opening day is where it hurts the most. I will never experience the excitement of an opening day, a playoff game, or even a world series win with the whole city behind supporting or at least watching my team. Sox opening day comes and goes like any baseball playing day of the spring and summer. But Cubs opening day is an event, an occasion, a tradition that the whole city will be watching or checking up on, even Sox fans. Even me. Sure the Sox won it all in 05’, but in my travels, in my conversations with others, and in the TV ratings for that series, it was clear, a lot of Chicago was not paying attention. Soon after the Sox won, the relative buzz died down and the focus shifted back to the north side and as far as this city is concerned 2005 may as well be 1905, because today, for some strange reason, it feels like the Sox haven’t won the WS in forever.

The Sox care, and that’s the difference. We may not be positive about it, but we care one way or the other. And a little reciprocation would be nice. It doesn’t matter if you root for us or against us, but just root. I implore you Cubs fans, apathy kills, so if anything, start hating the Sox, especially if you live in my beloved Chi. I just want you to care, a little bit…but seeing as you’re a Cubs fan, you probably won’t CARE to read this.

April 10, 2009

Poor Name Choice is an Understatement

Planned Parenhood Express. They even had the nerve to put it in a strip mall, it next to like a Cold Stone Creamery....what is a Creamery anyway?

Funny Photo Friday:
It's very creative, but I think it's a bad idea to name a product the "Titantic"

Dateline--Sunny Saturday in Oak Lawn

Fitting the post from last Thursday about couples disagreements’ and the abortion issue, I felt it necessary to ease any lasting tension with some comic relief. So the picture above is of one of the many Planned Parenthood Express locations in Illinois. Until this week I had NEVER seen one of these clinics and upon first glance all I could think was, “Really?! Is that really the word you want to use to describe the services received inside the building?” In fact, I’m pro-choice, and I still think it’s insane, but hilarious to name a clinic so poorly, and irresponsibly.

I looked into it and these clinics have been around since 2003 apparently, and no abortions or true consultations take place there, unlike other Planned Parenthoods that operate at a normal speed. No. They are mostly used for paper work, small seminars, and picking up birth control and contraceptives. But come on admit it, when you see first look at the pic, it reads like a fast food restaurant for abortions. The term “express” is so common in the service industry, that it makes it seem as if what’s going on inside that building IS NOT controversial. A good percentage of Americans believe that abortion is straight up murder and that Planned Parenthood is an organization that helps commit murders. I’m sure the people at Planned Parenthood know this, so I think it’s hilarious that they had the stones to put an “express” at the end of their name, thus knowingly invoking the idea of “express murder” in the minds of many pro-lifers. I admire PP’s sense of humor, but it’s a little uncouth in my opinion.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my abortions to be “express” Nor do I want my parenthood planning to be “express”. As far as plans and parenthood go, there shouldn’t be anything express about it. This seems like an area that needs to be carefully thought out. You know what SHOULD be express?...Expressways, Fed Ex, trains coming into Union Station, Oil changes, the amount of time it takes for a woman to get ready to go out for one evening (never happens) but…..day to day stuff, not abortions. I would advise PP to pay closer attention to the language on which we’ve all agreed.

But, then again, I may be wrong. Maybe we are moving closer to a time of increased tolerance. It is possible that many of the controversial liberal issues will become normalized with Obama in the White House, and such bold applications of nomenclature will become commonplace. Since we already have express now, if PP was ever expanded into a free market we could have spots like “Morton’s Abortin’s’”….it would be like the Joe’s Crab Shack of Planned parenthood with an annoying staff and stupid commercials….or we could jam two controversial liberal agendas into the same building like those half-KFC half-Taco Bell joints….just call it A.B.’s and S.C.’s…..a little spot where you can do abortions or get hooked up with a stem cell fetus. If we already have express, we may very well be on our way.

April 9, 2009

What is This?.... Amateur Hour?!

Thorough Thursdays: I'll Give My Opinion, but please believe I want your's too.

Dateline--Too much Radio

Since we opened it up for debate last Thursday, I wanted to do the same this week, and also provide a thorough opinion on a matter in sports that is troublesome. The issue is raised every Fall and every Spring with the respective arrivals of Bowl season in college football and March madness in college basketball. The issue is amateurism. Should college athletes get paid? With the end of March Madness coming just last week, ESPN broadcaster, Jay Harris took time to give his opinion on the issue in a short commentary that aired on ESPN Radio this week. After hearing it, I decided it was time to get thorough.
Harris was commenting on the double standard that exists between players and coaches in college basketball when it comes to players transferring and coaches leaving for better paying jobs i.e. John Calipari’s acceptance of the Kentucky job last week.

“I’m sick of this fake amateur argument, this fake ‘they’re getting a free education argument’. There is nothing free in big time college athletics”...

Harris went on to talk about how it is unfair that athletes who transfer schools are forced to sit out a year before regaining their eligibility. While referencing Stephon Curry’s little brother Seth, who is transferring to Duke next season, Harris ended his rant by saying

“Let him play. Now. And while you’re at it, pay the kids, stop using them.”

At the core of Harris’ opinion is that college athletes should be paid and that they are entitled to a share of the billions of dollars generated from the athletic events in which they participate. Though these players receive scholarships, Harris dismisses the idea that it is a legitimate form of payment.

Well apparently, Harris uses his DVR to fast forward through commercials during tournament time, but as that annoyingly recurring ad clearly states…, “There are over 380,000 NCAA student athletes, and most of [them] will go pro in something other than sports.” Arguing that Division 1 collegiate athletes should be paid for their services seems valid on its face, but is irrational and irresponsible when analyzed further. Harris says he is sick of this “fake 'amateur' argument”, but the argument is not fake, it's just real. These kids ARE amateurs. Not all of them, in fact the overwhelming majority will never be professionals in the sport they play.

The fact of the matter is, no matter how you slice it, these athletes in Division 1 sports, get a FREE ride, and if that is no longer an acceptable form of retribution for services rendered on the court or on the field then I question our values when it comes to education. In a world with a growing population and plummeting economy, a college degree is priceless, and damn near a necessity for some of even the most menial of professions.

The world is very unkind to the uneducated (see picture below), so to scoff at a free education is to mistake the situation for what it truly is. If an athlete takes advantage of his/her free education, then the “payment” they so rightfully deserve, will be realized after completing their degree, as they are immediately qualified to make more money and work in more jobs than anyone who is lacking the hardware.

Poorly educated woman struggles to make sense of a world in which a land mammal (elephant) is actually smaller in size than the celestial body orbiting the planet earth (Moon).

Also, let’s not forget that for the few athletes that are good enough to play their sport for a living, college serves as a FREE stepping stone to the next level, a FREE stage for a player to hone, and showcase their skills (interview) for the NBA, MLB, NFL etc. It’s like a trade school that doesn’t force you to pay union dues.

I am sick of the idea that we should all empathize with the sacrifices made, and hardships endured by the big time college athlete. I realize that they captivate, and entertain us with their athletic ability, but their daily grind, their busy schedule, and their ability to juggle school and sports is nothing to stand in awe of. These athletes are working NO harder during practice and games than the countless students who work nights and weekends putting themselves through school, paying off loans, supporting not only themselves, but sometimes families as well. Oh and by the way, no college sport is played year round, so there are long stretches of time in which athletes’ only responsibility is to attend to class; Their rent, their books, and their tuition is still paid for. When’s the last time you got to take a couple MONTHS off work with full pay? Don’t get me wrong, I know they work hard, but in the grand scheme of life, Division 1 college athletes are getting a free ride for playing a sport that they would participate in anyway, i.e. getting paid to do something, that they would normally do FOR FREE. So shame on you/them for even thinking that a free education isn’t payment enough.

Let me know if you agree/disagree, because I know some will dissent and I want a robust, lively and spirited debate.

April 8, 2009

We have a winner

The North Carolina Tar Heels steamrolled their way to the national championship this year. The only scare, if you can even call it that, was a second round game with Louisiana State University. They won that game by nearly twenty. The Tar Heels were the preseason favorites to capture the trophy, and were the third overall number one seed in the tournament. But once the game Monday night ended with North Carolina dominating Michigan State University many analysts, commentators and fans were supplementing their praise for the team with talk of how disappointing the game and then tournament was.

Now I seriously doubt there are that many MSU fans out there (I can understand their disinterest), so why were so many people disappointed? Sure the game was not one for the ages, won with a layup by Ty Lawson as the time expired. But why does it have to be one of the greatest games of all time for you to be happy with the experience?

North Carolina went to Detroit and put on a clinic, for the second time this year mind you. They played a near flawless game and reminded the world why, when earlier this year they beat MSU by 35 points, people predicted they would finish the year undefeated. The dominant performance was a showing of how the game is to be played both offensively and defensively.

However if you are a casual observer of the game and filled your bracket out in the dark, then your opinion on the game and ultimately tournament do not count and I don't want to hear from you. You obviously would not have seen and then understood UNCs mastery during the game. Now those of you who consider yourself fans yet had no rooting interest in either team, shut up as well. Your opinion is a little more valuable, but come on. Even if you weren't a fan of either team watching Ty Lawson set an all time record for steals in a final four game or see UNC put up a record number of points (55) in the first half is boring? Get out here.

Overall the tournament was what it was supposed to be and the winner was who it was supposed to be. Sure George Mason was a good story a few years ago, but to claim March was a disappointment because there was no Mason is ludicrous. An unheralded team does not have to be in the mix to enhance the game play. To reference the Cinderella term thrown out every year, let me remind you Cinderella was fine as hell. But guess what? She was merely one of many at the ball that night. The Prince, luckily for Cinderella, was just a picky snob.

Every team is there for a reason and if the 'big boys' whip up on the 'little guys' it's because they are superior team and that is how it is supposed to be. If you need a Cinderella to enjoy March Madness then I surely hope you will be rooting for the Kansas City Royals this summer or come NFL draft time you are on your knees praying for the Detroit Lions to nab a godsend with the number one pick. I mean wouldn't they be Cinderellas as well?
CLEARLY fine as hell.

April 7, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Chicago is, in my very biased opinion, the best city in the country and possibly the world. But that does not mean I am clueless as to the many problems that plague our city. As Chicagoans we deal with the same problems as any other citizen of a metropolis; the traffic, the taxes and unfortunately the crime. There is however one problem unique to Chicago (you could even argue the state), our politicians.

The state of Illinois has sent more governors to prison than murderers (percentage wise) and this past Friday had our impeached governor indicted by the Federal Government. In Chicago, the retired head of our Streets and Sanitation Department, Al Sanchez, was just found guilty in a case where he used the Hispanic Democrat Organization (HDO) as a hiring agency for the city. Mr. Sanchez may not have been a politician but he was certainly working for a political faction and to the benefit of the correct mayor, Richard M. Daley.
A die hard Sox fan wearing a
Cubs hat? Typical Chicago politician
To fix the problem that is Chicago politics we need to eradicate our local government of career politicians. It is time we issue term limits on our aldermen and mayors. Throughout their years of 'service' one thing becomes more and more important to the incumbent, the continuation of their 'service'. So career politicians do any and everything they can to minimize the competition. Then once faced with an opponent(s) these pols call in a few favors to help ensure that come election day the polls reflect favorably upon their campaign. Does this sound like the actions that are to be taken by an individual who is a representative for the community they reside in?

No. And I hope you are not that jaded to the political process to have agreed with that. A politician must not be afraid to take a stand and make a controversial vote. Our interests must be of the utmost importance to them and their office. By eliminating the potential to serve for years on end we can accomplish this. No longer will our politicians be acting in self perseverance, instead they may now act truly to what they are being paid to do and represent the people in their community.

Just take the recent leasing of the city's parking meters for example. Had our alderman not feared facing the ire of Mayor Daley, I am willing to bet that more than three of them would have voted against the 75 year lease. Now it was not his wrath in the short term that the aldermen feared rather they knew they would potentially be working with the mayor for years and may need to be on his good side for the duration of their work relationship. Term limitations eliminate this problem.

Now term limitations surely are not the only solution to stomping corruption out of politics, especially in Chicago. But it without a doubt would be a giant and great first step in the right direction. Think about it Buse Nation.

April 6, 2009

Deal or No Deal Courtney?----Welcome Back Baseball

Courtney Paris' big lying ass.

Monday Mullings: Put up or shut up, or you shouldn't have spoken in the first place.

On March 9th of this year, senior night for the Oklahoma University women’s basketball team, senior forward, Courtney Paris said that if their 3rd ranked Sooners did not win the national title, that she would re-pay her college scholarship, which is valued at $64,000. And it wasn’t just a fluke statement either. When the ceremony was over and local press outlets asked her whether or not she was serious she replied.

"I have a passion for our fans and university, and I want to do something special. "That's why I put my scholarship on the table. I meant what I said."

Throughout the entire tournament the media has treated her promise like a tremendous story. In fact each time Oklahoma has been mentioned in the women’s tournament, Courtney Paris and her ridiculous proposal were part of the conversation. Well yesterday, Paris and her Oklahoma Sooners LOST to Louisville in the Semi-Finals 61-59. And so, if I’m the Oklahoma athletic director, I’m mulling today: When can I expect my check Ms. Paris? Had Oklahoma won last night and eventually won the title, Paris no doubt would have been praised as one of the most courageous players in the women’s game. All March long we heard phrases like “Courtney Paris is putting her money where her mouth is” or “Paris talks a big game, but she has the toughness to back it up by putting her scholarship on the line.” Well she lost and I can’t wait to see how quickly this story dies as it never should have been a big deal in the first place.

Odds are the 21 year old does not have $64,000 saved up for a rainy day; and even if she were to go on to the WNBA, the average salary is $36,500 so I’m sure she’s not giving up her first 2 years salary just to be a woman of her word. I’m not hating on her for trying to inspire her team and instill confidence, but you can’t put up something that you DON’T have as collateral.

But of course, the mulling wouldn’t be complete today if I did not take time to acknowledge the start of another baseball season. I’m glad it’s back, despite this “lousy Smarch weather” (Simpsons reference) that is delaying my Bangers season opener…but lets open it up for a debatable run-down of this year’s division winners, mvps, and cy youngs.

American League
East- Yankees-they aren’t old this year, 3 Aces in their prime in Sabathia, Burnett, and Wang, and A-Rod coming back in May after much of the steroid talk has died down, perfect for him to come in and start killing. Not to mention Texiera.

Central-White Sox (by default), they have not improved much from last year, but every other team seems to have more issues. Twins start the season with a hurt Mauer and a hurt Morneau, plus a hurt Crede is just a matter of time. Indians added Mark DeRosa to the lineup and Kerry Wood to the bullpen, but bouncing back from a disappointing 08 will require a massive resurgence of Travis Hafner who only played in 57 games last year with a bum, aging shoulder. Detroit can’t be trusted, despite having a sick roster full of explosive offense and cannons in the bullpen, they start slow, they swing low, never scoring as many runs as they should, and 3 of those cannons, Zumaya, Willis, and Bonderman all start the season on the DL.

West-Angels—even though the sexy money is getting put on Oakland this year, I don’t think Matt Holliday and Jason Giambi going to a pitcher’s park changes things for the A’s. Angels lost K Rod and Garrett Anderson, but they still have the best manager in (Scioscia), and the best player (Vlad) in a weak division. Texas still can’t pitch and Ichiro starting on the DL is grim news for Seattle.

Wild Card-Rays—their lineup is even sicker now with Pat Burrell and pitching is still raw as hell. But they won’t be better than the new look Yankees

Cy Young—Tossup between Dice K and Halladay. Though neither will make the playoffs in my opinion, Boston will compete mostly because of Dice K, Halladay will put up ridiculous numbers as usual.

MVP—Vlad…with Abreu solidifying the lineup and getting on base in front of him, Vlad will not finish with under 100 RBI like he did last year. He will murder the pitching in his division, and cruise to this award.

National League
East-Mets—different ballpark will make the difference in my opinion. Citi-field, though it is a pitcher’s park, has massive gaps and space for the Mets most important player. Jose Reyes. Plenty of triples for Reyes this year, plus a healthy Santana and newly instated K-Rod.

Central—Cubs, hate to say it, but as long as Milton Bradley does not kill someone, they’ll have the best record in the NL. They have an all star in every spot except second, center, and right. Not to mention 3 or 4 on the mound.

West—Dodgers, as much as this offseason was a soap opera, Manny will be Manny for an entire year. Thus the Dodgers will reap benefits, despite losing Lowe, weak division in terms of offense, what remains will get it done because of a potent offense.

Wild Card—Cardinals, even though the the Brewers, Phillies, and even the Reds I think will be relevant this year,the Brewers are not the same without Sabathia, the Phillies are due to fall off because the city of Philadelphia never stays on top for long, and the Reds are still challenged when it comes to generating offense.

Cy Young—Someone on the Cubs, take your pick Zambrano, Lilly, Harden, Dempter….when they are all on they dominate, and they are all starting the season relatively healthy. They are the best team and they know it, and they have the best pitching staff and they know that too. Someone is going to take that confidence and turn it into a ridiculous season. Numbers wise it won’t be better than Lincecum or Webb, but neither of them will be in the playoffs, doing it on the best team in a tougher division will count this year.

MVP—Jose Reyes, He’s going to hit, steal, and score runs. It will be between him and Manny, but the league isn’t exactly in love with Manny right now.
**Pardon the long post, but I’m excited for opening day baseball, f this lousy Smarch weather**

Smarch, a fake ass month referenced in the Simpsons that seems to represent the current climate in Chicago.
A wintery mix of windy September and rainy March....with a random 60 or 70 degree day here or there.

April 2, 2009

What Would You Do?

Who screams at someone from that ridiculously short of a distance?

Thorough Thursdays: BUSE Nation, What do you think?
Dateline: Couples Quarrels, or in this case, disagreements.
When a relationship between a man and a woman is in its early stages, charisma, character, and general physical attraction are often the sustaining fuels. Aside from those cases in which serious relationships spawn out of a long time friendship and cases where the relationship is contingent on a 1 party, or dual night-riding system, most couples spend significant time “getting to know” one another while dating. The phrase, “getting to know one another” is basically a synonym for something I like to call personality probing. Both men and women conduct personality probes on the people they date in an attempt to make sure that person harbors no massive character flaws that will negate the possibility for a positive relationship. The more time that’s spent together, the flaws that will come to the surface, and when they do, we decipher which ones are and are not acceptable. (e.g. He leaves the toilet seat up, Bad but acceptable….He’s a necrophiliac, Gross and unacceptable.)

Some of the flaws, however, are not so obvious. In fact sometimes, the flaws we see in our significant others are actually perceived to be attributes in their own mind. And that’s what I’m getting thorough on today. Just because two people like, or love each other doesn’t mean they don’t act, think, or believe differently, or in opposing ways. When these things come up, I want to know, what is the protocol? For example, my girlfriend and I seldom differ in opinion, however when we do disagree, it’s usually not over something like what to eat for dinner, but something like Native American Mascots in college sports. I won’t go into specifics, but I’m against it, and she is for it. So what do you do? Is it right to argue our respective views, or just respect the other’s opinion. Since she is my girlfriend, should I strive to make her believe in my opinion, or should I try to come around to her side of thinking. It’s worth asking because when you think about it, much of a relationship comes down to resolving disagreements and working through them, be it through concession or persuasion. I find this quite puzzling and I’m looking for some insight. Don’t feel me? Then how about an example everyone can relate to more readily.

I have two good friends who happen to date each other. Their names are Doc and Marie. Doc is pro-choice and Marie is pro-life. With getting into any grizzly details, they feel strongly about their convictions as the abortion issue has personally affected both their lives in the past, however, the issue is normally not divisive for them as abortion as it rarely comes up. No problems come of this until one day, Marie, and the company she works for is asked to attend a Pro-Life fundraising auction on Friday night. It is the type of function where you’re encouraged to bring a friend or significant other, thus Marie invites Doc without hesitation. Doc then declines citing that it will be difficult for him to attend the auction given his Pro-Choice view on the abortion issue. Marie becomes upset because Friday nights are usually reserved for time with Doc anyway and now she will be the only employee who comes alone. She strongly feels he should attend. Doc is upset because if he were to attend, the atmosphere will reek of the abortion issue, thus making him feel tense and uncomfortable given his opposing views. He strongly feels Marie should go alone.
What does this couple do? How should they handle it, and how would you? Keep in mind that neither party is wrong for feeling the way they feel. Marie doesn’t want to convert Doc to being Pro-Life, she just wants him to suck it up for an evening and endure the auction so that she will have a good time as she’s expected to go. Doc doesn’t want to convert Marie to being Pro-Choice, he just wants her to suck it up for an evening and endure the auction without him, thus allowing him to have a comfortable Friday night instead of a miserable one. I’m asking buse nation because I truly don’t know. I’ll take real examples, hypotheticals, analogies, even riddles at this point. What do you do….in times of moral disagreement in a relationship? I would love to hear your thoughts. Comment away.

April 1, 2009

A few people need to get it

Numerous people and things need to get whooped.

Officer Robert Powell: Come on guy, where was the common sense that police officers are supposed to use when they are on duty? It does not matter that the person who was pulled over was an NFL running back, had this happened to anyone else it still would be just as outraging. A mere ticket can wait for running a stop sign. Especially when that vehicle that ran the stop sign heading straight to an emergency room loading dock. Sure your job is tough, but what is supposed to set you apart from others is your ability to assess a situation and make a quick decision based on common sense. Officer Powell, your resignation should have happened immediately.

University of California San Diego: How do you send acceptance letters to 29,000 REJECTED students? Is a simple apology supposed to make up for such a blunder? Had this been the dream choice for any of those students this letter would be one of the cruelest April Fools jokes of all time.

Justin Gaston: You are 20 years old and dating a 16 year old. I could care less that the GIRL you are dating is a millionaire, she is still just 16. Miley Cyrus may be cute but that's where it ends for me. She can only be labeled a cute girl, because she just got a license, is of sophomore age (in high school), and still has a body that has not developed. What the hell are you doing? Couldn't you find someone who is of legal age to fool around with and not statutorily rape a girl to set yourself up for life. You're almost as bad as K-Fed.

The Economy: Hating on the economy is nothing new, so this will be short. I overheard a guy use this as a line to entice a girl, "Cmon girl you know I just turned down overtime so that I could see you after work." On the real I know it's bad out there but do your pickup lines need to be that topographical?