Monday Mullings: Put up or shut up, or you shouldn't have spoken in the first place.
On March 9th of this year, senior night for the Oklahoma University women’s basketball team, senior forward, Courtney Paris said that if their 3rd ranked Sooners did not win the national title, that she would re-pay her college scholarship, which is valued at $64,000. And it wasn’t just a fluke statement either. When the ceremony was over and local press outlets asked her whether or not she was serious she replied.
"I have a passion for our fans and university, and I want to do something special. "That's why I put my scholarship on the table. I meant what I said."
Throughout the entire tournament the media has treated her promise like a tremendous story. In fact each time Oklahoma has been mentioned in the women’s tournament, Courtney Paris and her ridiculous proposal were part of the conversation. Well yesterday, Paris and her Oklahoma Sooners LOST to Louisville in the Semi-Finals 61-59. And so, if I’m the Oklahoma athletic director, I’m mulling today: When can I expect my check Ms. Paris? Had Oklahoma won last night and eventually won the title, Paris no doubt would have been praised as one of the most courageous players in the women’s game. All March long we heard phrases like “Courtney Paris is putting her money where her mouth is” or “Paris talks a big game, but she has the toughness to back it up by putting her scholarship on the line.” Well she lost and I can’t wait to see how quickly this story dies as it never should have been a big deal in the first place.
Odds are the 21 year old does not have $64,000 saved up for a rainy day; and even if she were to go on to the WNBA, the average salary is $36,500 so I’m sure she’s not giving up her first 2 years salary just to be a woman of her word. I’m not hating on her for trying to inspire her team and instill confidence, but you can’t put up something that you DON’T have as collateral.

But of course, the mulling wouldn’t be complete today if I did not take time to acknowledge the start of another baseball season. I’m glad it’s back, despite this “lousy Smarch weather” (Simpsons reference) that is delaying my Bangers season opener…but lets open it up for a debatable run-down of this year’s division winners, mvps, and cy youngs.
American League
East- Yankees-they aren’t old this year, 3 Aces in their prime in Sabathia, Burnett, and Wang, and A-Rod coming back in May after much of the steroid talk has died down, perfect for him to come in and start killing. Not to mention Texiera.
Central-White Sox (by default), they have not improved much from last year, but every other team seems to have more issues. Twins start the season with a hurt Mauer and a hurt Morneau, plus a hurt Crede is just a matter of time. Indians added Mark DeRosa to the lineup and Kerry Wood to the bullpen, but bouncing back from a disappointing 08 will require a massive resurgence of Travis Hafner who only played in 57 games last year with a bum, aging shoulder. Detroit can’t be trusted, despite having a sick roster full of explosive offense and cannons in the bullpen, they start slow, they swing low, never scoring as many runs as they should, and 3 of those cannons, Zumaya, Willis, and Bonderman all start the season on the DL.
West-Angels—even though the sexy money is getting put on Oakland this year, I don’t think Matt Holliday and Jason Giambi going to a pitcher’s park changes things for the A’s. Angels lost K Rod and Garrett Anderson, but they still have the best manager in (Scioscia), and the best player (Vlad) in a weak division. Texas still can’t pitch and Ichiro starting on the DL is grim news for Seattle.
Wild Card-Rays—their lineup is even sicker now with Pat Burrell and pitching is still raw as hell. But they won’t be better than the new look Yankees
Cy Young—Tossup between Dice K and Halladay. Though neither will make the playoffs in my opinion, Boston will compete mostly because of Dice K, Halladay will put up ridiculous numbers as usual.
MVP—Vlad…with Abreu solidifying the lineup and getting on base in front of him, Vlad will not finish with under 100 RBI like he did last year. He will murder the pitching in his division, and cruise to this award.
National League
East-Mets—different ballpark will make the difference in my opinion. Citi-field, though it is a pitcher’s park, has massive gaps and space for the Mets most important player. Jose Reyes. Plenty of triples for Reyes this year, plus a healthy Santana and newly instated K-Rod.
Central—Cubs, hate to say it, but as long as Milton Bradley does not kill someone, they’ll have the best record in the NL. They have an all star in every spot except second, center, and right. Not to mention 3 or 4 on the mound.
West—Dodgers, as much as this offseason was a soap opera, Manny will be Manny for an entire year. Thus the Dodgers will reap benefits, despite losing Lowe, weak division in terms of offense, what remains will get it done because of a potent offense.
Wild Card—Cardinals, even though the the Brewers, Phillies, and even the Reds I think will be relevant this year,the Brewers are not the same without Sabathia, the Phillies are due to fall off because the city of Philadelphia never stays on top for long, and the Reds are still challenged when it comes to generating offense.
Cy Young—Someone on the Cubs, take your pick Zambrano, Lilly, Harden, Dempter….when they are all on they dominate, and they are all starting the season relatively healthy. They are the best team and they know it, and they have the best pitching staff and they know that too. Someone is going to take that confidence and turn it into a ridiculous season. Numbers wise it won’t be better than Lincecum or Webb, but neither of them will be in the playoffs, doing it on the best team in a tougher division will count this year.
MVP—Jose Reyes, He’s going to hit, steal, and score runs. It will be between him and Manny, but the league isn’t exactly in love with Manny right now.
**Pardon the long post, but I’m excited for opening day baseball, f this lousy Smarch weather**

Smarch, a fake ass month referenced in the Simpsons that seems to represent the current climate in Chicago.
A wintery mix of windy September and rainy March....with a random 60 or 70 degree day here or there.
you dont understand....i just fell out of my chair when I saw the word "Smarch"....hilarious
I actually agree with all of the authors playoff picks except one: Yankees and Rays over the Red Sox. Believe when I say, that I am no member of red sox nation, but it's hard to believe you don't have them reaching the playoffs. Perhaps you could point out to me the flaw precluding them from playing in the 2009 MLB Playoffs?
The only one I can see is their leadoff position. Even though Ellsbury (shades of Flash Gordon) is good for 50+ bases, he hasn't proven himself as a capable leadoff hitter and struggled throughout last season(evident by his 2-1 strikeouts to walks ratio and a OBP of .333).
However, they still have the best pitching staff in the American league, especially after the additions of Penny, Smoltz, and Saito (not to mention the AL's reigning MVP).
I would say they are a lock to make the playoffs.
In response to both posts, where are my clothes....u never hit me up for your lil wingmanning weekend, otherwise I would have been up north to give u your clothes...but yea, when its snows like crazy on April 5th and we're cancelling baseball games for blizzards, we're in the middle of Smarch, and that simpsons episode is hilarious......
James...while the Red Sox do not have one big flaw, I simply don't think they are as good as the yankees and Rays. The Rays in my mind, are going to the playoffs, because they do everything well and this yr, carl crawford is healthy and he is going to terrorize ppl.....and the Yankees...it's just science to me...eventually if u make a damn all star team, they are going to produce....like the Lakers with payton and malone that one year,...they didnt win it all, get along, or have any chemistry, but they were too damn good talent wise and went to the finals....My reasoning Jamie is that at most, only 2 teams from the East can make the playoffs, and I see Boston as the odd team out.....
Many people dont think there will be a big difference between the Yanks of last year and the Yanks of 09....but they will be Raw. i think despite how raw the pitching is in Boston....the Yankees and Rays have lineups that will outscore Boston in head to head games.
I just read this post, and I agree with a lot of the picks except for the AL East and NL Wildcard
I think Tampa will take the division. I know New York spent an insane ammount of money revamping their roster but, I'm a big believer that you can not buy a team. Using Bean's example of the Lakers, they didn't win a championship because that team had WAAAYYYY too many stars, with huge egos, and very little chemistry. The Rays are a young, dynamic team who have almost all come up through the farm system together. The teams built a very good chemistry and if last year proved anything, its that the Rays can go into hostile places like New York and Boston, and win. The Yankee's have too many All-Stars to NOT make the playoffs, but I'd say as the Wild Card. A second important reason is also because of the pitching staff. The only two locks are C.C. and Wang. Pettite is getting old, Burnett is injury prone, and Joba hasn't shown that he can pitch a full game in the majors. Why the Yankee's wouldn't keep the heir-apparent to Mariano in the bullpen, where he DOMINATED people, is beyond me.
As for the NL Wild Card, I'm picking the Braves. If anyone caught the game last night, Derek Lowe was nuts. Put him, with a healthy Hudson, a young offensive team, and guys like Tommy Hanson waiting in the minors and I think they have the ability to not only take the Wild Card, but possibly the division.
Im pretty confident that Wild Card is coming out of the East. The Marlins, Braves, Mets, and Phills all have legit chances at taking the division. The biggest knock on the Cardinals is that they too, have very little pitching. The Cardinals will go only as far as Wainwright and Carpenter will take them, and those two guys were injured most of last year.
Good arguments Chee...both valid, it's a very strange situation where I do not even take the Braves into consideration for the division or the wild card, but I truly think Atlanta is still a year away from being back in the playoffs.
Last night was definitely a coming out party for their young stars and Lowe in a Braves uniform, but i dont think they are ready to userp anyone in that division because while they've gotten better, so have the Mets, and the Phillys have gotten more confident.
To address Miss Paris' promise, after the lose she was asked the question on the court and handled the question like a professional with great composure. She said, "Yes I plan on making good on my promise. Obviously not right now because I do not have that kind of money but I will keep my word." Seeing as she will be collecting checks here in the WNBA and in Europe or Russia, I do see a Courtney Paris scholarship being set up in the near future.
On to the important stuff, BASEBALL.
AL EAST- This division will be won by the Red Sox, if Smoltz and Penny are healthy. Otherwise the division goes to the Rays. They are for real. I do not see the Yanks being big time contributors because despite all the talent, you can not buy a contender. CC has never pitched well in the East and last year for the Brewers he was facing a weaker NL on a nightly basis. Burnett was in a contract year, and historically after he gets paid he disappears. Wang is legit but they do not have enough in their lineup to contend nightly.
AL CENTRAL- Twins. For no real reason, the central is simply to hard to call, not because there are a few real good teams. But because there is not one real good team. So I pick the Twins in hoping I jinx them and the Sox pull it out.
AL WEST- Angels with the Rangers becoming contenders. The A's will be alright but Giambi isn't juicing anymore so there is nothing to worry about there. The Angels have the best player in the division and enough pitching (even with the injuries) to take it all.
WILDCARD- Loser of the East. I hate the divisions dominance but they pay to play.
NL EAST- With a bullpen the Mets are not letting the division slip away for a 3rd straight year. Everyone but the Nats will be fun to watch but will not have enough.
NL CENTRAL- Cubs, they'll be singing 'Go Cubs Go' all summer. The team is stacked and Hendry will not be shy to fill any voids come midseason.
NL WEST- Diamondbacks, Manny is going to be huge, but caring for an entire season may be too much to ask for. But watch for the Giants to play the role of spoiler with such an amazing staff, if they knew how to hit I'd select them.
WILDCARD- This is where the Dodgers make the playoffs. Manny won't care all year, but will eventually turn it on and inspire his team.
MVPs AL- Josh Hamilton
NL- Alfonso Soriano
Cy Young AL- Felix Hernandez
NL- Johan Santana
Regardless, I still dont think this girl Paris is paying that money back. Not for a while if that. When the story dies, the pressure goes away, and no one for OU is going to put pressure on her to keep that promise.
I like your picks
except for the NL west, Manny only needs to care every time he steps up to the plate... he doesn't need to care when the other 8 guys are batting. He was heavily scrutinized this offseason and feels he has something to prove.....He will dog it in the field, esp now that his hammie is sore, but that will only cost the dodgers a dozen runs or so this year....his big ego will continue to thrive in LA,....and he's so damn funny that the young players on the squad will still love him...while the D backs have a better pitching staff, i think overall the dodgers have the better team...but you aren't feeling the NL central for to figure into the wildcard situation at all?
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