Whoop That Trick Wednesday:
James Rush, A No Brainer
Today, the BUSE blog is whooping up on the biggest trick of the week, and this time it was a no-brainer. James Rush is getting whooped this week after he ACTUALLY reenacted Kanye’s lyrics this past Thursday, “going through TOO much bull**** just to mess with a drunken hot girl.” The 33 year old Naperville native is now charged with placing a false 911 call in an attempt to position himself alone with a well inebriated female patron of a local bar. Around 2 am, Rush and the woman (who was smashed) were found outside Breaktime Billiards stumbling down the street with their arms around each other. When approached by police for routine drunken questioning, Rush insisted that he and the woman were OK, and that he would be taking the woman home after returning to the bar later. The officers allowed the two to move on, but then spoke to bar employees for further information on the belligerent couple.
An employee told police that the woman had come to the bar with another man who had since left the premises, and the now-drunken woman "had been going from guy to guy in the bar," This raised suspicions so the police followed the direction in which Rush and the woman were walking to find the two drunkards laying beside each other, nearly passed out, in a grassy area near a parking lot. Police officers immediately called a cab for the woman, and instructed Rush to go home. Rush left the scene but wouldn’t you know it, just minutes later an emergency 911 call was heard over the dispatcher reporting 6 gunshots fired in the general area of the bar and the lot where Rush and the drunken hot girl were laying down.
Dispatchers tried seven times to reconnect with the 911 caller on his wireless telephone, the report indicated. Police soon determined the phone belonged to Rush. The officers caught up with Rush, who denied placing the call, even as "the phone in the man's pocket started ringing" with yet another call from the dispatchers, the report stated."I again asked him why he called 911, and this time he told me he called in the 911 call to get me out of the area, so he could go back and pick up the girl before the cab came," the officer wrote in the report.

This is the ultimate height of thirsty-ness and Gatorade needs to market for these situations, because in my opinion, behavior like this is all too common. Make no mistake, James Rush was determined to get laid, to the point where this BLACK man in NAPERVILLE, attempted to use cunning and deception to thwart POLICE OFFICERS just to have the chance to take this drunken girl home. From what the report said about the woman coming with one man, and then stumbling from “guy to guy”,I have infered that she was some tramp, scoring lots of free drinks and flirting with everyone willing to listen. And Rush, clearly, loved the attention. In these cases, smitten, infatuated, even obsessed are not accurate terms for describing the way Rush felt about the woman he attempted to lure…..Thirsty is the only precise terminology. Even though he wasn’t thirsty for water, quenching that thirst was a matter of life and death. Sorry to whoop you so bad James, but your game lacks subtlety and your thirsty-ness has led to a misdemeanor.
But I digress; because we have all been there…..I would like to open it up to other stories of legendary thirst. And under the comment section, I’ll start with one of my own; feedback of course is always welcome.
Thirsty Hall of Fame
In order to convince a girl to skip a party that her friends were throwing, and come hang out with me and my friends, I lied and said my friends and I were throwing a party.
There were just three of us, and when the girls agreed to come, we got up and began to place empty beer cans and plastic cups all around the house, thus making it look like we had actually thrown a party.
When the girl arrived, we informed her and her friends that prior to their arrival there was a "huge" party, but everyone had to leave except us. Very thirsty.
wow. i dont think i can top that. if any one can remember for me that would be great! thanks
In high school we met this guy at a party. He told us that he was just visiting for the weekend and that he actually went to Michigan State where he played football.. . Well we started seeing him at parties almost every weekend and started to get kind of suspicious.. why would a college athlete come to high school parties in Chicago every weekend??
He eventually friended us on Myspace because he knew our names and where we went to high school. He had taken pictures of HIMSELF wearing Michigan football jerseys with the name "jones" on the back. The captions were even "me in my michigan state jersery", or "right after i played my first college football game"..
Well we looked up "Jones" online and it was NOT him at all. It wasn't till a year later that we found out he actually went to Walter Payton and had used the "college footbplayer" trick (including the infamous fake myspace) on many girls before... Thirsty as hell
Beto....I believe I can provide a story that speaks to your thirsty exploits
Freshman year of college Beto was quite smitten with a girl in his dorm. The girl enojyed Beto's company, but was far less interested in terms of "smitten-ness"
Having found no one else to hang out with that night he convinced this girl to go to Kam's on a night in which all Beers were priced at $1.
Before entering the bar, the girl realized that she'd forgotten her wallet, rendering her bereft of any money whatsoever.....Beto, normally an stern, unforgiving individual, assured the girl that if she accompanied him inside the bar, all her money and drink needs would be alleviated, which they were,...to the tune of a $60 bill at Kam's on dollar beer night
not terrible, but pretty Thirsty.
Easy answer (once thought about). I, more than once mind you, for fear of drawing the ire of my parents snuck out of the house and rode my bicycle to the train, hopped on the train to the far northwest side and completed the journey with another bike ride. All of this was done so my thirsty could make out and dry hump.
here's a good one..so i was in vegas for fall break senior year. there was this girl that i had never really been into, but for some reason, i wanted bad in vegas. first night we went out, she and i were all over each other dancing, but nothing really happened. the next day, i was determined to get my thirst quenched. so i arranged a pre-party in my hotel room to get everyone nice and drunk before we went to dinner at the bellagio for their famous dinner buffet. well as sometimes happens, i drank more than anyone else and started to get pretty sloppy in the line for dinner. regardless, this girl was still digging me. so she and i separate from the group and get our own table - i told her i wanted to take her to dinner. it is at this moment that i start laying it on thick - "you are so amazing, you deserve so much, you are the most beautiful thing ive ever laid eyes on"...shit like that. oh, and this whole time im holding her hands. well, i dont eat anything - at an all you can eat buffet mind you - and shes eating with one hand cuz im holding the other. she keeps trying to get me to eat but i refuse, telling her that "the only thing i want to do right now is look into your eyes". eventually, she is able to get me to eat...one bite of a creme brulee. i had a plate full of prime rib, filet, lobster tails, crab legs etc... and the only thing i ate was one bite of creme brulee. Now youd think this would have turned her off...and it did. she bolted after dinner - said she didnt have the tolerance to take care of me anymore...considering it was 7:30pm. I "black back in" around 2:30am...I am alone on the bridge at the Venetian. I call my buddy kurt (who I traveled to the real Venice with when we were abroad) and leave him a voicemail saying "dude i think im back in italy...what the fuck happened?" I eventually make it back to the hotel, but i did not succeed in my thirst quenching. Moral of the story...never put the ***** on a pedestal, i did, got hammered and ruined my opportunity. if i had played it cool, who knows. Just like this fool james rush...obviously he had it up there or else he wouldnt have been chasing some girl thats pimpin everyone out for drinks; at the very least he wouldnt have called the cops - to distract the cops.
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