April 15, 2009


BUSE is all for political activism and fully encourages the people to let their voices be heard. If there is something your government is doing please let it be known that you do not approve. Now there are thousands of Americans across the country who oppose the actions and spending habits of the current administration and as a form of protest are using grass roots tea rallies to get their message out. These activists are calling themselves the teabaggers.

Really? Teabaggers? They REALLY do not know what it means? Come on now people. If you are intelligent enough to gather and protest the government, you ought to be intelligent enough to do your homework when naming yourself. And that is what I am most curious about, the fact that they chose a name for themselves without knowing what it meant. Needless to say these clueless activists have become the butt to many jokes nationwide. Deservedly so.

To quote a few jokes, "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging."- CNNs Anderson Cooper.

"After spending weeks mailing tea bags to members of Congress, conservative activists ... plan to hold tea parties to proverbially, "teabag" the White House."- MSNBCs Rachel Maddow.

**If the term teabaggers is lost on you, use the picture to define the term.

1 comment:

BUSE said...

I heard someone talking about that the other day and figured I was just crazy,...i was like, I know I didnt hear someone say teabagging on CNN.....but they did....if these people are really that out of touch with sexual vernacular, it shows how bad conservatives neeed to lighten up and bone nightriders...